


Website widget

Chat Widget: New Features 🤩 & Bug Fixes 🪲

We're happy to introduce some fresh features & fixes to improve your experience using the Chat Widget!
Here's what's new:
  • Customizable Chat Element Color in Welcome Screen
    : Personalize your chat widget's welcome screen by choosing the color of the chat element to match your brand.
  • Option to Disable the Start Screen
    : You can now choose to disable the start screen, providing users with immediate access to the chat interface when opening the chat widget.
  • Option to Turn Off Attachment Functionality
    : We've added the ability to disable the attachment feature within the chat widget.
  • Customizable Hover on Button in Start Screen
    : You can now customize the hover effect on buttons in the start screen.
  • Customizable Hover of Links in Welcome Screen
    : You can now customize the hover effect of links in the welcome screen, creating a seamless browsing experience.
  • The Possibility to Duplicate an Existing Chat Widget
    : You can now easily duplicate any existing chat widget.
Here's what's fixed:
  • Chat Widget Appearance
    : Noticed the chat widget looking odd when clicked? We've fixed that! Now, the widget maintains its sleek appearance even when opening with a pressed mouse button.
  • Streamlined Creation Notifications
    : Creating a new chat widget used to give you multiple success notifications, cluttering your screen. No more! We've optimized the system, so you'll only receive one notification confirming the successful creation of your chat widget.