Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.
AI Agent
Chat widget
Bug fixes & improvements 👍🐛
Here are our latest updates:
Bug fixes:
- Team inbox count: The team conversation inbox now displays the correct number of chats.
- Handoff stability: The AI Agent will no longer take back a conversation after a handoff.
- Handoff fix: When a trigger is sent via WhatsApp, the AI Agent will now correctly forward the message.
- Domain Knowledge titles: Titles in the Domain Knowledge section will now stay in place after being changed.
- Domain Knowledge visibility: The Domain Knowledge section in newly created AI Agents no longer appears blank.
- Chat widget visibility: When opening the chat widget in embedded display mode, it will now be immediately visible without any loading time.
- Direct routing for AI Agents: We’ve added direct routing to Pulse AI Agents: e.g.[chatbotID]/domain-knowledge for Domain Knowledge and[chatbotID]/web-crawler for the Web Crawler within your AI Agent.
- Page refresh in Pulse: When refreshing a page in Pulse, you will now stay on the current page instead of being redirected.
- Web Crawler visibility: The Web Crawler page is now properly visible after a page refresh.
- Faster chat typing: After clicking Join conversation, you can now start typing immediately without needing to click again.
- Disable AI search: You can now disable AI search by clicking the cross on the pop-up for enabling AI search.
Conversation overview
Bug fixes & improvements 🛠️🐛
Here’s what we’ve fixed and improved for you:
Bug fixes:
- Website activity status: The website activity setting incorrectly displayed as turned off, even when enabled. This now works as expected.
- Exporting conversations: When exporting data for a specific day, some conversations from the next day were included. Now, only conversations from the selected day will be exported.
- 24-hour customer care window: This indication now appears inside the conversation instead of the reply area for all relevant channels.
We’ve made several UX and design improvements! Let us know if you notice any changes—we’d love to hear your feedback.
Thanks for your valuable feedback while using Watermelon! 🚀
Add knowledge
Out of office
Chat widget
AI Agent, new features & bug fixes 👍🐛
Here are our latest updates!
AI Agent ✨
We’re making an important change: we’re moving away from using ‘Chatbot’ and will now refer to it as ‘AI Agent’.
Why? The market is evolving fast, and ‘AI Agent’ is becoming the modern standard. The term ‘chatbot’ now mainly refers to outdated systems, and we want to stay ahead with a stronger, future-proof positioning.
New features 🚀
- Easier navigation in AI Agent settings: Clicking on a channel icon in the “Activate AI Agent” menu now takes you directly to that channel’s settings.
- Search AI Agents in Pulse overview: Easily find the right AI Agent with a new search option in the Pulse overview.
- ReadMe template for Actions: A new action lets you retrieve information from Guides.
Web Crawler improvements 💪
- Faster crawling: Failed crawls are now skipped, reducing overall crawling time.
- Better monitoring: We’ve implemented an endpoint that checks the status of all URLs.
- Improved error handling: Fixed failed statuses for the Web Crawler and added a filter to view only failed statuses.
Bug fixes 🛠️
- Exact triggers not forwarding chats: Fixed an issue where chats weren’t always forwarded when an exact trigger was used.
- AI Agent takeover during out-of-office hours: Fixed an issue where the AI Agent took over a conversation mid-chat when out-of-office time was reached.
- Document Scraper issues: You can now correctly add or delete .doc files.
- AI Agent not responding in chat widget: Fixed an issue where the AI Agent was active but not receiving or answering messages.
- Invisible AI Agent responses: AI Agent responses will now always be visible to customers.
- Windows desktop app freeze: If the Windows app was minimized for a while, it could freeze upon reopening. This has now been fixed.
UX & design improvements 🎨
Additionally, we’ve made various UX and design improvements throughout the platform—can you spot them?! 👀
That’s it for now! Let us know if you have any feedback. 🚀
AI Agent
iOS app
Bug fixes 🐛✅
We fixed some bugs!
- The preview of the latest message sent is now shown correctly in Conversations. This fix is not backwards compatible—only new conversations will show the correct preview.
- The Out of Office instruction in Handoff now works correctly when the correct trigger is added during out-of-office hours.
- You can now delete Instagram without needing a connected Facebook account.
In the iOS app:
- WhatsApp messages now correctly show a preview when first received.
- The status bar message (e.g. conversation forwarded, picked up, closed etc.) is now displayed properly at all times.
- The green archive button no longer appears underneath the type bar.
That’s all for now! 🚀 Keep your app updated for the best experience.
AI Agent
UX improvements & bug fixes 👍🐛
Here are our latest updates:
UX improvements:
We redesigned the login page and forgot password page for a smoother and more user-friendly experience.
Bug fixes:
- Saved handoff instructions and triggers now correctly appear in the chatbot.
- The chatbot no longer forwards conversations unexpectedly when no triggers are used.
- The out-of-office instruction in Handoff now works correctly when the correct trigger is added during out-of-office hours.
This week, there might be fewer updates than usual, but we have some great redesigns coming up – we’re definitely not slowing down! 🚀
OpenAI data now stored in Europe 🇪🇺 & weekly updates
OpenAI data now stored in Europe 🇪🇺
Great news! We’ve transitioned all our AI models to European servers, following OpenAI’s new EU data storage option. This ensures improved compliance with European regulations and greater data security while maintaining GDPR compliance.
Loading state login page
🌟Logging in will look a little different now: we created a spinner loading state for the login page.
Bug fixes 🛠️🐛
- Resolved chatbot takeover issue– The chatbot will no longer unexpectedly take over conversations from agents.
- No modifying of JavaScript elements– The chat widget script will no longer interfere with existing JavaScript elements.
- Disconnected channels– Channels removed from Integrations will no longer appear as connected or available channels in Pulse.
- Long WhatsApp company names– You can now connect WhatsApp accounts with long company names to Watermelon without issues.
- Improved Instagram and Facebook account deletion– You can now delete an Instagram account even if the connected Facebook account is no longer linked.
- Implemented API update for Facebook and Instagram removal– Removing a Facebook account now also removes the connected Instagram account automatically (since Instagram cannot be connected without having Facebook connected).
Retirement of Legacy chatbot
👋For our longtime customers: We’ve officially retired the last remnants of the Legacy chatbot. This marks the end of an era, allowing us to fully focus on the future of AI chatbots. 🚀
AI Agent
Out of office
Here are our latest updates! 🔥
Bug fixes:
- Opening hours reset issue: When turning off the out-of-office message, opening hours no longer change back to default.
- Closing Conversations: Conversations we're not automatically closed. Now they are automatically closed every four days again.
- Conversations visible to new agents: After creating a new agent in Watermelon and switching to Conversations, no conversations were be visible until you refresh the page. Now they are immediately visible.
- Clearer crawling status: While the web crawler is running, you will now see a message informing you that you can already start chatting and that crawled pages are being added to the chatbot's knowledge.
- WhatsApp connection feedback: After connecting a new WhatsApp number, you will now receive clearer guidance on what happens next after completing the Facebook steps.
- Out-of-office default hours: The default out-of-office settings are now: Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00, and Saturday & Sunday set to 'off'.
- Consistent domain knowledge titles: Titles in the domain knowledge section will now always start with a capital letter.
Let us know if you have any feedback so we can keep on improving! 🚀
Conversation overview
Chat widget
Improvements & bug fixes 👍🐛
Here’s what’s our developers have been working on and released last week:
New features:
- Conversations export update:The export now includes thumbs-up and thumbs-down feedback for better insights.
Bug fixes:
- Chatbot handoff in chat widget:Conversations handed off by the chatbot to "New" were not appearing in real time. They now show instantly without needing to refresh the filter.
- Duplicate chatbot messages:The chatbot sometimes sent multiple messages when a trigger for handoff was sent. This has been fixed.
- Incorrect default link in chat widget:When creating a new chat widget, the default Frequently Asked Questions link was pointing to a placeholder. We changed this to website. This has been fixed.
- Saving settings in chat widget integrations:A bug prevented saving new settings when creating a chat widget in Integrations. This is now resolved.
- Incorrect deletion message in Conversations:Deleting a conversation mentioned that the contact would also be deleted, but this was not the case. This has been corrected.
- Chatbot icon in closed conversations:The chatbot icon wasn’t showing in closed conversations when clicking "Show previous messages". This is now fixed.
- Sign-out error in Web Crawler:An error message appeared when signing out with the Web Crawler open. This has been resolved.
- Browser tab name update:The browser tab name didn’t update after switching the language. It now correctly reflects the current page.
UX improvements:
We've made a whole lot of
UX improvements
to ensure smoother navigation and interaction in the platform. Thanks for your feedback—keep it coming! 🚀
AI Agent
Improvements & Bug fixes 👍🐛
Here’s what’s new:
Bug fixes:
- Action trigger issue:We fixed a bug where the description was not being used correctly to trigger an action. Actions should now trigger as expected, ensuring smoother workflows.
- Action template for Sendcloud:We resolved an issue with the Sendcloud action template, so it now works without any errors.
- Action template for Shopify:The Shopify action template had a bug that is now fixed, ensuring it operates seamlessly.
- Deleted URL from the crawler still used in knowledge:Fixed an issue where URLs deleted from the crawler were still being used in the chatbot’s knowledge base. Deleted URLs will now be properly removed from use.
- Instagram messages exceeding character limit:Resolved a bug where the chatbot was sending messages over 1000 characters in Instagram conversations. This resulted in messages which were not showing in the Direct Messages from Instagram. Messages will now respect the character limit.
- Action template for Picqer (orders):The Picqer action template has been extended to include support for managing orders, giving you more functionality and control.
- Action template for WooCommerce:The WooCommerce action template has been extended with additional features, offering you more ways to streamline your workflows.
- Crawler page loading time:We’ve worked on improving the loading time of the crawler page, which was previously taking up to 20 seconds. It should now load much faster.
Deprecation notice:
- Web Scraper and Legacy Chatbot:The Web Scraper and Legacy Chatbot have been officially deprecated and are no longer available in accounts. These features have been retired as part of our ongoing efforts to focus on more modern and efficient tools.
Thank you for your valuable feedback! Let us know if you need any help. 🚀
AI Agent
Improvements & bug fixes 👍🐛

Here are our newest updates:
- Document scraper limit:The limit for the Document scraper has been updated to 250, allowing you to add more content for training your chatbot.
- Streaming performance:It is now visible in the Chat Widget and Interactive tester what the chatbot is doing while creating an answer—whether it's thinking, retrieving information, or generating a response—providing more clarity and transparency.
- New font option:We added the Ubuntu font to give your chatbot a fresh and modern look.
Bug fixes:
- Safari compatibility for chat widget:We fixed an issue where the chatbot in the chat widget did not respond in Safari on macOS and iOS for certain tag managers.
- Answer rewriting in Microsoft Edge:The chatbot no longer keeps rewriting its answers when used in Microsoft Edge.
Thank you for your feedback—keep it coming! 🚀
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