We use the bot as part of a marketing campaign. Users sometimes show significant interest but forget about the conversation. In our experience, being able to send these users a reminder message about the conversations can help unlock many positive conversions that are currently just discarded.
We are imagining a section, similar to Handoff, but for Re-engagement. Where you would configure the time intervals and the instruction to re-engage. Something like
Time interval: 20 minutes
"If a user has shown some interest but did not answer your last question, send a new message asking the user if there is anything else you can do for them and that they should not hesitate to make further questions".
Time interval: 1 day
"If a user has shown some interest but did not answer your last question, send a new message thanking them for reaching out and informing them that they are more than welcome to contact us again anytime they want in this number".