When the end-user is logged into a customer/client/patient portal, we want to know who's logged in and see from who the conversation is coming
Fleur Nouwens
It would be great to send some information about the customer inside the loaded script-tag on the website. This way we can easier identify the customer, for example based on their customer_id.
For example:
window.Watermelon.customfields.Voornaam = 'Robin';
window.Watermelon.customfields.Achternaam = 'Dirksen';
window.Watermelon.customfields.CustomFieldForUserId = 11538;
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Charl Haas
Charl Haas
Alexander Wijninga
under review
Robin Dirksen
Another use case, we want to implement Leadinfo in the client side to add some customer information.